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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Ratscallion

  1. Hello, Unofficial Mills. Stumbled upon this after seeing a UM article on Facebook. It's been a while. This was really nice to look at. 

    I've not been listening to Radio 1 for a while as I don't own a car and my house in Notts receives only Smooth. 

    I've been through two phones and am on another laptop, though still have both my iPods (but use them rarely!). I'm now pushing 40k tweets (@samozzy), am at my second year at the university of Nottingham. I also work as a theatre technician from time to time. 

    I do a lot less websites, a lot more theatre, and my 1TB hard drive is about a quarter of the size of my 500GB one - and doesn't even require a mains connection! Queen is still alive, no hovercars and my internet speed is now 50, rather than 10!

    Maybe I'll post a bit more frequently soon...

  2. I stopped using IE years ago, it's just always been too slow for me, and then there's the fact that on top of that it's just generally not safe.. As in, at all..

    I didn't really like Opera that much.. Not really sure if there was a reason for it, I just didn't like it that much.

    Firefox, I do like. It's a bit slow if there're a load of tabs open (I've almost always got at least 5 open, usually it's 10+); but in the ways of customisation, it's a real legend. Themes (now personas), extensions, plugins, the lot - firefox has it. Which, I really do think, is one of the things that the other browsers are now needing to catch up on.. (As well as support for this, that and the other).

    Safari I like. It's a good, solid browser. Fairly quick, and has support for plenty.. Well, except Flash. It practically dies the moment it touches some Flash for me.. :/

    Then, Chrome. I love it. I've got two OSs on here, so the fact that it can sync things between machines using the Google account is something I'm really glad exists (even if it does play up frequently enough). It's quick, loads, and supports everything I need it for (whether that be HTML5, Flash, whatever).

    In all, Chrome's for me, with Firefox a close second, Safari in a comfortable third position, Opera happy at fourth, and then IE bringing up the rear.. After every other browser I'd use. So, 10th or something :P

  3. Weather seems to be brightening up in Scotland, so going running later. Looking f/ward to getting a bit of fresh air and space. Woo
    It could be Scotland's first attempt at manned spaceflight, Apollo C.O.W... *very tired and random state of mind here*

    Could also be Scotland's first attempt at sun.... :P

  4. Can't really stop her though. Meh.

    If the teacher's stopping people doing something on the grounds of their religion, then it's probably classed as a hate crime (in this case homophobia) and is against the law.. The Head would probably be the best place to go about that...

  5. agreed,

    anyway i'm gonna break the rule already, because the first track should be

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI?fs=1&hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

    I actually kinda like this song :oops:

    If this whole thing works, I'll be amazed!

  6. Newspapers and news programmes generally only exist to satisfy peoples noseyness. 99% of them are nonsense I neither care about, nor need to know.

    Do I really need to know that someone I dont know in a town I've never heard of assualted someone? No

    Do I really care about the ins and outs of celebrity life? No

    Is my life in any way changed by reading that a sportsman had an affair or slept with a glamour model? No

    Am I remotely interested in whether someone is gay or not? No

    Does learning that some building or service is destined to close? No

    If news is really that important it will find its way to me, other than that my life is perfectly fine without having all this unnecessary information thrust upon me like I'm actually meant to give a f*ck. To quote the Aussie comedian Brendon Burns, I give an unf*ck!


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