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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Spev

  1. OH MY GOD!! If you tried this in the US the FCC would come banging down your door within 5 seconds! I cant believe you can get away with this in the UK....okay, maybe I need to open my mind. But seriously, probably what would happen here is the entire listening audience would complain, the station would get shut down, and the story would make national headlines. It would REALLY shock people. There is no way anyone would be able to get away with that. Our radio is clearly more conservative than yours :D

    I see your point. But what's the difference between Aled drinking 8-10 units a day for 3 weeks and that chap in America ordering super-size meals every day for however long it was and filming his exploits?? There isn't one. Except Aled very likely won't be endangering his life by taking on this experiment.

    Although personally I will never agree with America's views on boozing when they will allow 14 year old kids to buy handguns from the local grocery store yet won't let a 20 year old adult have a glass of beer with a meal.

    And you can't shut Radio 1 down, it's run by the BBC, you'd be putting the national economy into dire peril!!!!

  2. Chris, being single rocks. It's totally the only way to be. Admittedly I didn't think so at 20 either but when you're 25 you'll see what I mean. You don't have to consider anyone else, you don't have to worry about anyone else, you can come and go as you please with whom you please and you don't have to answer to anyone. Your spare money after bills is your own, you can sleep completely diagonally in bed after wrapping yourself completely in your duvet and snuggling into both pillows at once without anyone whinging at you. You don't get into a row for ogling a random girl's chest, you can watch football and go out with your mates as much as you like without ever feeling guilty about it...

    What's not to love?!??!!

    The thing that currently sucks in my life is the fact my cat is whinging like a spoiled brat and I can't understand why....

  3. Although I am in total, complete and utter agreement with the sentiment behind this thread - can I just clarify, Chappers is *not* just a sidekick, that really demeans his role as sports reader for Radio 1 as well as all the other things he does such as sport commentary and the old TV presenting there. You know, there's heaps more to Chappers than spending three hours a day whinging on Scott's show!!!

    *sigh* I love him...!! *flutters eyelashes and gazes off distractedly for quite some time*


    I mean.


    Who the hell's Chappers???

  4. Well, He is a Z-Lister, so he could be

    Who is this person and why are they being universally insulting about everyone for no apparent reason??


    Kelly *hurt her face* by *brushing her teeth*?????? Eh??????? How on earth... not even I, and I am possibly *the* clumsiest, most gormless non-teenager I know - not even *I* have ever injured myself during a simple teeth-brushing exercise to the extent where I'd have to miss work. What did she do, get it lodged down her oesophagus??

  5. Scott's my favourite, but I'm with Tara, I love Greg James too, he's really good. I quite like Nihal too, he's terribly cheery and upbeat.

    I'm also in agreement with what's been said about Moyles. He does my head in, he just comes across as an arrogant berk, totally full of it.

  6. How the hell can you do subtitles for the radio?!?!

    Afternoon everybody!!!

    I don't agree with relationships anyway so I'm not the person to ask but I definitely think between the ages of 18 and 21 are way too young to worry about settling down so I think being single at Uni is a good and sensible idea. So there!!!

  7. I have to say I haven't watched the video but I do enjoy a good drink. I drink v. expensive brandy, though, and am very fussy about what other types of booze I drink.

    Even so, I know I couldn't drink 8-10 units a day/night. Well I could. Happily. And not be drunk. I'd just feel really tired and grotty and very unhealthy. I only drink one or two nights tops on the run and then give myself a break for a few days (or depending on finances and when the rent's due - weeks!!).

    I know I sound really boring - but to be honest drinking does bore me after a while. It takes me aaaaaages to actually get drunk and I usually give up before I hit the being drunk stage.

    I don't envy Aled having to do this experiment AND still having to go to work every day!!! Yikes!!!!

  8. Watching the two Chelsea Pensioners grooving on down to Scouting for Girls at the London 2012 party. Really really made me smile.

    Oh and those jeans Roy was wearing during said performance. Good. Lord.




    Ahem. I. Erm. Don't know what I'm talking about.... *whistles*

  9. Just took my kitten to the vets for his injections (he's growing up so quickly, he's 14 weeks old already!) and the vet told me he's got a heart murmur that should have righted itself by now but now they just have to keep a really close eye on him. Poor Charlie. He's getting extra big hugs off of me to make him feel better. Am sure it'll work.....

  10. Best of luck, Heather :)

    Cheers Rob. I still haven't heard back and they promised before 7... I'm taking it as a really bad sign. I just wish they'd call and put me out of my misery. I feel really really sick I can barely concentrate on the radio!!! During Scott's show and everything!!! I'm so sorry, Scott!!!

  11. I currently have Chappers Woo as my text message,

    So do I!!!

    I changed it from Phil Glenister going "Listen, Fatty, 'ave another pie, and SHUT IT!" and then didn't get a text message for a few days cos I'm v. unpopular, so I forgot I'd changed it. Then all of a sudden I got like five text messages in a row dead late at night, my flat was in absolute silence for a change, and I just heard Chappers going "WOO!!! WOO!!! WOO!! WOO!!!! WOO!!" and I was like "AAARRGHH!!! AAARRRRGGHHH!!!! AAARRRGGHHH!!!!!" I was genuinely terrified until I realised what it was!!

    I am *SUCH* a bimbo. Why the good lord didn't make me blonde is anyone's guess...

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