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Posts posted by Spev

  1. For those of you that aren't aware of it, there's a radio 4 comedy show called I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue - and one of the rounds on the show is where they take a word and give it a different meaning. For example, one might easily mistake the word 'bacteria' as a single-cellular life form, when in reality it means 'to return more upset than when you left'.

    In this round, one of the contestants revealed that the actual meaning of the word 'countryside' is "to kill Piers Morgan".

    Think that says it all.

    Can't stand Moyles but anyone who resorts to jibes about another person's weight (no matter who they are) is utterly pathetic in my eyes.

  2. I dunno, I think he'll look okay if he keeps it up for 6 months....!! ;)

    I listened to them talking about it this morning on Moyles' show. Moyles is such an arrogant opinionated idiot, I cannot STAND that man. He reminds me of everything I hate about my brother. Just the way he was completely rubbishing everything Aled had to say and obviously upsetting him but just not caring about it. Dave, Dom and Carrie all sounded quite apologetic and embarrassed on the odd occasion they managed to get a word in between Chris' rants. He's just rude. There's no excuse for it, ever. And if he's not very good at mornings why in God's name does he present the breakfast show on national radio? Idiot.

    But, back to the point and holding off on my Moyles detestation for a moment - Aled is so brave for doing this experiment when he knows it's already making him ill and he's having some obvious and potentially dangerous short-term effects from it. Total kudos to him.

  3. I thought he was quite fit and sporty, I guess I was wrong :P

    No, you're quite right - Chappers is well fit!!!!

    Ahem. :whistle:

    Have just practically wet myself laughing at that video - it was brilliant!!!!

    I have to say though I don't think anything will ever top Chappers duetting with Chappers on It Wasn't Me by Shaggy.

  4. Sorry, I'm very behind the times, the issues regarding the legal rights of teenagers haven't bothered me one iota for a number of years now!!!!

    *loves being a patronising bitch. Is v. good at it* ;)

    Yeah you can get married at 16, I forgot about that. But which idiot'd want to get married at 16 anyway?!?!

  5. Do you think they'll be able to stop Aled from drinking when the experiment is over?

    Nah he'll be a raging alkie, torn between a state of permanent drunkennes and hyperactivity due to all the colouring WKD Blues he downs..........

    Ah, yes, Andi Peters... Course I was a bit older then, I mean, I remember hating Edd the Duck because he wasn't Gordon the Gopher... And does anyone remember Andy Crane sometimes filling in for Phillip Schofield in the Broom Cupboard days?? He was lousy wasn't he?!

    and Timmy Mallett

    Yep. It's a true story, Wideawakers - because... WE MADE IT UP OURSELVES!!!!!

  6. 20?



    Oh I know.

    20. I cried on my birthday cos I wasn't a teenager anymore.

    I had my first kiss when I was 20 - I know, v. embarrassing but men didn't discover me until after I'd discovered mini-skirts so I'm blaming the male population for being idiots rather than the fact I'm a bit of a munter!!!!!!!

    I fell in love when I was 20 as well (with a different bloke!) and then got my heart broken when I was 21 (he was 38 and got his mate to dump me for him over the phone - OWCH!!!)... so that explains the bitter cynical Spev these days...!!!

    I discovered my immunity to brandy. I spent a LOT of time partying in London. I was on reflection rather thin... I met loads of my 60s music idols...

    I suppose thinking about it it was pretty good. I preferred 19 though. 19 was the best.

    It was all downhill from 21 onwards really.

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