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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by YoppaDo

  1. I've kinda been lurking on these forums the last couple of weeks as my obsession for Radio 1 has grown. It owns my life now sadly. So, hi to everyone!
  2. Oh man, someone put 2girls1cup on my school computer a few weeks ago, I'm glad I wasn't in class at the time. People should seriously look at the wiki entry before looking at the video itself. We all ended up laughing maniacally at it though
  3. Is it just me or is their playlist becoming more and more similar to radio 1's too (apart from a few exceptions). I thought they had a large enough audience already though.
  4. Yeh, from what I've seen (lurker confirmed ) most of the criticism is the amount of time she takes off. I don't think she's a terrible DJ. I find it quite strange that Reggie is missing after doing the show alone for the past 2 (possibly 3) weeks. Maybe he's trying to prove a point or something
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