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Everything posted by YoppaDo

  1. I already ate an Egg and 2 Kit Kat Chunkys, wonder if I'll get anymore. On a side note, I haven't bought anyone else anything yet; so it's between buying Easter Eggs or having the night out on Saturday?
  2. Virgin Box, hehehe. Did anyone really expect Chappers to be there?
  3. Don't think I understand anything in this song actually.
  4. It took me ages to realise the lyrics of this song. What ever happened to genuine country music on the playlist? And don't say Taylor Swift.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwdXnlvUe3I (Never mind, this is a different one, still a little crazy though) Hmm, thread seems quieter
  6. This is stupid street at it's best. Making absolute no sense whatsoever!
  7. We couldn't stop laughing at this Moyles advert in the car earlier! Wakka Wakka.
  8. :shock: The memories! I haven't had potato waffles in ages, love them.
  9. Self checkouts are so annoying! I bagged the damn thing woman! Wouldn't rely on them to give me good money.
  10. Bleurgh, I feel sick after that Mcdonalds. It's not surprising when half of the staff are off of my school year.
  11. Me too, how can they not be sure? And Chappers calls himself a Girls Aloud fan...
  12. I noticed it too, but didn't think much of it because the show seems to not really mention it at all and just cut to a clip where he meets Scott.
  13. This is surprisingly interesting already. It's all very serious at the moment, wonder how long that'll last Scott looks very pretty!
  14. :shock: I thought Zane was gonna play Changes then, what a shame.
  15. Oh no!! :hahaha: I don't think Lady Gaga works as well without the electronica, christ.
  16. That Max Clifford makes my skin crawl. Urgh, it feels like he's purely cashing in now. I love how they got an actual dentist in for that story.
  17. Can we expect to see the word 'bonkers' appearing more often now, tis a choon.
  18. I'm going to be honest, I had to look up the 'dirty' meaning behind it, but that was months ago so I can pretend I didn't Love this song too! Yayy!
  19. I love this Britney song, haha, the brass! Some Americans were offended or something.
  20. Yup, when I finally get to refreshing the page, there's 2 extra pages added. It's really busy on here today though.
  21. Well that puts to rest any doubts had about Westwood's age, ahh!
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