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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Kitai

  1. Anyone here watch it?

    what did ya think?

    I thought it was bloody good.

    *fuller review coming soon when I've watched the repeat either later tonight or tomorrow.

    I've never been into Doctor Who. I did try watching it when David Tennant came on the scene, but I couldn't stand Billie playing a chav and her chav family. It was just annoying and disappointing they had to do that. ¬_¬;

    Then there was the nurse, I think she was? I only saw one or two episodes with her in and I liked it, but I kept missing it because my TV didn't work (except for my gaming consoles) and I didn't make an effort to see it any other way as it's not something I'm used to watching and wasn't really too fussed about.

    And now they've put Catherine Tate in it who I can't staaannnd. I can't look at her without seeing that little chavvy school girl.

    When will they put a companion in it that I like, and don't end-up with no TV to watch it on!? Ah well...

  2. I think it's probably good to have a balance of things you can both enjoy doing/talking about together and things you can both do on your own or with other friends.

    It can be interesting to hear about things you don't normally do/hear/talk about too.

    I think it's important to have the important issues in-common for sure. Like what you're both looking for in relationships, etc. I mean, what's the point getting into a relationship if you're both wanting different things from it?

    Same with how to treat people. I think you both need the same views on things like morals.

    I'd like someone who has similar interests to me regarding the things I enjoy the most.

    For example; I love gaming. And I particularly love gaming with other people. So having a partner who's also into games would be awesome!!

    Hope I made sense. o_O

  3. Hello to all the newbies I've missed!!

    I'm away at the moment, so I haven't been on here, and I haven't been able to get the radio on this shitty laptop!!

    Can't wait to get back to my lovely PC again. L.O.L.!!

  4. Well there was a point when we all thought that he was just a rock and roll hero.

    I've never thought of him like that. o_O I've never been able to stand him. He's a prick. It's about time he got locked-up and I hope I don't have to see his face around again for a while, at least.

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