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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by TheOneWhoDoesntSpeak

  1. How long did you do hospital radio for TOTDS, and what did you do after...other stations/uni?

    I did Hospital Radio for ages actually. It's a great place to start.

    After that I worked for free answering phones and doing whatever anyone wanted me to do at my BBC local station. It's really a case of getting a foot in the door and persuading people to give you a chance! You end up doing loads of weird stuff, working 7 days a week, and not earning ANY money but that hopefully sorts out whether you want it bad enough!

  2. I'll ask a serious one now.

    We all know that the amount of texts and emails Scott gets is pretty high. So, if someone had a idea for the show that really shouldn't be missed, what is the best way to get the idea in?

    I haven't got a fabulous idea, but I thought I'd put it out there =]

    The best thing to do is probably email. Scott gets loads but they're easier to go through than the texts where we get thousands as the show is going on and it might get missed.

    Feel free to come up with loads of amazing ideas and pass them our way!

  3. Who writes the lyrics to the projects like Scott Mills the Musical and Timmy Trendy? Is it you?

    Who wrote the music for SMTM? It was pretty good.

    Do you have any more plans for the lovely Joe?

    Timmy Trendy lyrics were by Beccy and me.

    SMTM was a mixture of me, a rather brilliant guy called Desmond O'Connor, and Paul Christie - one of our listeners (he wrote My Pinot Grigio).

    I'd love to do more with Joe - he's a top bloke and horribly talented! - maybe the movie is next!

  4. My hero <3

    Question number 2 or 3, lost count

    I applied for work experience at Radio 1 last month, how many people do you usually get in?

    (And I know the chances are I won't be in for Scott's show but then again I don't know how it works :) )

    I don't know the number of people who apply for Work Exp - although I know it's a lot!

    Fingers crossed for you. We don't generally have a loads of Work Experience people around - but the idea is that if you get chosen you'll get some good insight into how it all works rather than just how to make tea like you do at some places!

  5. The 'mike on' webcams yesterday were fascinating, though I didn't get to see it all due to work... Any chance of that whole show being put on the iplayer or website for those that didn't see it?

    Also, is Scott always such a fidget as he is when sat at the desk...?

    1. That could be possible. Not a bad idea at all.

    2. Yes - he is a real fidget!

  6. Hey TOTDS!

    Few questions!


    I miss Badly Bleeped TV, what's the story with that?


    If you had to choose, who would you date, Scott, Chappers, Becki, Tulip or The Posh R4 lady?


    How often does Scott have diva moments,, when he's "just not happy"?


    Can I get Autographs from you all??:rolleyes:


    1. So do I but, due to what's called "the current climate", it's having a rest! No - not global warming.

    2. PR4L probably. She plays the ukelele. Nuff said.

    3. Actually never. He can be tired and emotional but never a diva. If anyone on the show did that the rest of us would just laugh at them!

    4. Yes, of course! PM me your address.

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