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Posts posted by KingTutsWWH

  1. Glad you had good one.

    Can beat you on the suffering front. Spent this morning in hospital getting ribs x-rayed. Sun morning incident after a mate's amazing surprise birthday Sat night. Didn't hurt 'til middle of night last night, when effects of party wore off.

    Very painful, but still intact. At least off work today, on pain killers and get to listen to Scott. Only problem, it REALLLY hurts to laugh!

    Feeling sorry for myself.:(

  2. Don't be manipulated by sentimental media coverage into making everything in Blair's reign rose-tinted. Blair did not follow through with the fundamental aim of his party and he didn't do his job properly.

    I don't think he's an unpleasant man, doesn't deserve to be villified, but he is NOT a hero. The only reason he'l be missed is 'cos the British are used to him and don't embrace change.

  3. Oh and don't even get me started on Iraq.

    BRITAIN and SPAIN together don't use nearly as much petrol as the States - who seem to have no limit on the quantity they're allowed to waste at bargain prices, in gas guzzling vehicles!

    Jeremy Clarkson eat your heart out.

    Why do Britain etc have to clean up the Bush's (father and son) mess?

    Why are the British/Europeans obliged?

  4. I'd love to see the bits of the NHS that have been privatized revert back to state control along with our railways. Whichever party came to me with that as a policy would get my vote but so far none of the main three have.

    Sorry, but it wont happen. If it's been imposed under a 'Lab' gov, there's no turning back.

  5. Hasn't Blair privatized more industries under his premiership than the Tories did in 18 years of government? That's one more thing I can't forgive him for really.


    I was rather naively hoping he might re-nationalise things! Aren't I stupid? As far as privatising goes, he's earned his bonus!

  6. i wouldn't say he was the best pm ever, but as far as my life gets impacted by it all. he did a decent job.

    You're fine, but what about other people?

    He continued boboboboing privatising industries under a 'Labour' government!?!

    Are they more efficient, don't think so, from what I've read!

  7. Tony Blair's been such a huge disappointment to me. Being a leftie, I was ecstatic when he got in. He turned out to be more Tory than the opposition. We DID NOT get what it said on the label.

    Today's speech (written by his puppet masters) almost made me reach for a sick bag.

    He spent most of it trying to justify his numerous errors and explaining why he had to bend over for Bush the Chimp. He should be on stage! 'Tony Blair, the Musical'! HA!

    The one thing I'll give him is that he didn't humiliate Britain (in the press) on a regular basis, like that unintentional stand up comedian they voted in as President in the States.

    Off you go Tony, good luck with the musical, or a nice job TOTALLY UNCONNECTED WITH POLITCS.

    But, out of the frying pan into the fire!

  8. You can now get Kraft cheesy pasta in England, since about 7 or 8 years I think, but it's not at all popular.

    DC Beer will get you drunker quicker through a straw, I've been told. Dunno how that works though.

    Serving suggestion:

    Straws work a treat with Buckfast and Red Bull.

    If Buckfast is unavailable, it may be replaced with Mad Dog 20-20 (preferably kiwi).

    Serve in paper bag, under bridge behind your chosen club!

    Only joking, don't think Red Bull was popular (or even existed?, or I could afford it?) when I was at Uni


  9. I laughed out loud at Jono too. They're my special friends as well. My other half gets jealous of them, when he's here. Trolley dolly you see.

    I can't pick only one. Therefore can't vote. You're right about heroes. My mother sat at a table with with Cary Grant (and others) at an awards ceremony early 60s. She adored him, as I do. He was dreadful apparently, totally hypochondriac, downing tablets like a maniac, sending all his food away to be 'washed', and cutlery to be sterilised. Not good.

    But we still love his films.


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