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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Bumble_85

  1. Argh, someone forwarded me an email about how Norfolk people speak. I'm quite concerned by realising I use loads of them lol.

    Especially, are you alright boy?

    And thaas a ruman...

  2. My mum has learnt after she phoned me while I was 'busy' with a 'friend' and I answered, but from my tone of voice she guessed I was 'with someone else' and the music playing in the background. Mostly my mum emails me now....

    I'm confused as to why you'd answer your phone in the first place

  3. The Wurzels aren't from Cumbria!

    I'm fine until I've just come back to uni or just gone back home. People in Hull don't do Norfolk accents apparently... watching Mum try to work out what people have said is amazingly funny

  4. 3 = rubbish. No one listens when I tell them though! :(

    I've never ever heard anyone say anything good about 3. My best friend has finally swapped from them. Now we can have conversations where his phone doesn't cut out randomly in the middle. Ace.

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