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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Chris.

  1. I had some psycho girl who just wouldn't give me a moments peace. She bombarded me with text messages for about a month. I thought I'd be polite at first and reply, but then a split second after I'd sent a reply I would get another one! It was like she was sitting next her phone all day every day just waiting for me to respond! I would get at least 50 messages every day. After a while I stopped replying, but she would still send me messages anyway. After a month of her not being able to take the hint I then told her that I just plain wasn't interested and asked if we could just be friends, because after all she was quite a laugh in small doses. She then said that she understood and was ok with that.

    Next day she rang me up asking to meet, so I met her and sat in the local park. Then after about an hour of polite conversation she spent about two to three hours trying to get me to change my mind and go out with her! At this point I'd had enough and left, we would have been there all night if I hadn't walked away as she wouldn't listen to a single thing I'd tell her. About a week later I then find out that she has been trying to turn all my friends against me in some sort of incensed hate campaign. My friends were having none of it, as they all knew what I was like and would never purposely set out to ruin someone's life like she was suggesting I did with her. Her hate campaign backfired really, as all of my friends just turned on her.

    This all happened about a year and a half ago, and the last thing I heard about her was that she'd "gone off all men forever"! I tend to call these kind of people 'secret psychos'. They seem nice enough when you get to know them, but then you find out that they're lunatics! It was a shame really, as she was a nice girl, but FAR too clingy for me!

  2. There's only two of us going on the sunday, I hope the crowd isn't too violent, I still don't fully understand why people mosh to Pendulum anyway.

    Just dance or jump! :S

    One word can describe Pendulum live: Wow.

    I was there on the Saturday too! I was standing, pretty near the front too which was awesome. What was your favourite song they played? I thought Knights of Cydonia was immense, a really good song to start off with.

    Knights of Cydonia is amazing live but for me it wasn't as good as when I saw them at Reading (I was right at the front then, KOC was beautiful. Great opener though.

    Best song for me at Wembley has to be Stockholm Syndrome. I've seen that song live three times and it's never failed to totally blow me away.

    I also loved MOTP, and Blackout was just pure amazement.

  3. I know, it's going to be awesome. Apparently Pendulum will be on from 11:30 to 0:50 with a DJ finishing the night till 3am. I've just watched them at the Big Weekend and I'm really psyched for this now!

  4. I'm obsessing with Muse again.

    I'm obsessed with Muse 24/7, so don't feel ashamed by it! What did you think of H.A.A.R.P? Did you see them at Wembley?

    Pendulum are just amazing full stop.

    The album was released today wasnt it? I like one of the tracks they played on the radio last week, midnight runner? Something like that.

    It was released yesterday. I love Midnight Runner! I'm seeing them this Saturday at Brixton Academy, shall be awesome :-D

    I think we must be listening to different album as I found to be a bit generic and just all over the place musically. Its as if they weren't sure what they wanted it to be. Not a patch on hold your colour or there older stuff. Good djs though maybe the next one will be back on form

    Really?! Each to their own I guess, there is not a single song on the album which I don't like, I love it!

    Im listening to the Pendulum album right now!

    Woo! What do you think?

  5. I'm with O2 and I pay £30 a month. I think my contract is 200 minutes and 400 texts, I'm not sure. The problem I have is that the WAP costs me a fortune! I'm always checking Facebook and my email when I'm out and about and my contract doesn't account for that, which pushes my bill to around £40.

    Is anybody else with O2 and can you get some data packages?

  6. Firstly, thank you for all your responses, much appreciated.

    I have a problem with them though. I'm sorry I did elaborate this earlier but I'm wanted to upload a ZIP file with all the photo's on so they can easily be downloaded (my family are not computer literate, so the prospect of "Right Click, Save Picture As" will just be impossible for them).

    I hope that makes more sense to people!

  7. I need your help. :-)

    I was at a wedding yesterday and was given the task of 'photographer'. I want to upload the photo's onto a website where I can email the link out so everyone can download them. Can anybody think of any decent sites that can do that? Rapidshare isn't playing ball with me and I can't think of any others.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. Cheryl, I saw your show this morning and there are some things I would like to ask you, if you don't mind me asking.

    How long ago was this filmed and how has your life / sex life changed since the show? If at all? In summary, what do you think you got out of going on the show? One thing we don't see in 'Sex...With Mum and Dad' is the long term aftermath, so I'm curious if your time with Maria Schopman made any effect to your life, big or small? Have any of your opinions changed?

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