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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Grace

  1. It's up there with horse studies really isn't it.

    Actually, it incorporates English language, psychology and sociology, with a bit media studies thrown in for good measure. I've learnt some quite cool stuff.

    Also, you slag it, but it's near enough to what you're doing your degree in. ;)

  2. My sleeping pattern is completely messed up, I didn't get to sleep until 4 this morning and then I just had a really long nightmare about exams. I ended up sitting three at once, some of them weren't even subjects I do and all the results got posted for everyone to see. I know this should be a wakeup call to get my arse into gear but I still don't have enough motivation.

  3. heres another reason: they get into power, in any shape or form, Bye bye Gays, immigrants and pretty much anyone else that aren't perfect, british Daily Mail readers.

    You got it, as well as homophobia, there's anti-semitism, holocaust denial, etc etc.

  4. Yes. It's called being a communist.

    Communist countries often hold elections actually. Just with only the one party to vote for. And voting's compulsory.

    if you don't want to vote for any of the candidates because you don't think they have your interests at heart etc, then just abstain by placing a cross in each box on your voting form :)

    people say that democracy doesn't work & that's is correct up to a point, but & i don't want to sound preachy a lot of people died for our right to vote.

    i have always voted every-time i have been asked to & many a time i have invalidated the form, to prove a point that none of the candidate represents my views.

    :yeahthat:I get so annoyed by my friends who say they aren't going to vote, it's probably one of the only things that really offends me. By all means, turn up and spoil your paper, but the right to vote should never be taken for granted, it's one thing that many people will never possess.

    not strictly true, the government we have now are communist's & somebody voted them in, because they wanted a change.

    I must have missed that communism memo...

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