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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Grace

  1. Oh wow thanks guys, I didn't think you'd remember me after all this time! Bloody hell Tim, that's the foulest cake I've ever seen, and Nati - when will this guy be showing up at my house?

    After all this waiting to be an adult malarkey, I didn't get IDed today!

  2. But apparently this year they won't count them all straight away from all the different areas, so there won't be an all-nighter that'll be worth staying awake for.

    How are they going to do it then? I *really* want to pull an all nighter.

  3. Gah! I can't eat anything other than soup because it's that painful, and now my mum is accusing me of being anorexic and needing a psychologist because I can't eat other stuff. And her only backup is her ridiculous theory that of course you can eat with braces because otherwise they would give them to obese people! She totally doesn't understand! :cry:

    Two words for you sweetie - chocolate buttons, they melt in the mouth :). A jumbo pack of those after every orthodontist trip almost made the pain worthwhile. Just stick with it, the pain of first getting them on is the worst bit (although having mine *drilled* off wasn't great fun, I think my ortho was a bit sadistic), and having amazing straight teeth at the end of it is definitely worth a year or two of bother.

    What stopped me getting down about being a metal mouth was thinking that I'd have laaavely straight teeth in my wedding photos (if anyone ever makes an honest girl out of me). Just make sure you wear your elastics if/when you get to that stage, and your retainer too!

  4. You'll be invited to an interview with college, and you'll be able to explain the grade discrepancy there, I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. Maybe take along some biology work/coursework which demonstrates your understanding? This won't be the first or last time that the college has heard of a problem like yours, don't worry too much. Good luck. :)

  5. :: British male solo artist - Paolo Nutini

    :: British female solo artist - Lily Allen

    :: British breakthrough act - La Roux

    :: British group - Muse

    :: MasterCard British Album - Lily Allen, It's Not Me, It's You

    :: British single - Cheryl Cole, Fight For This Love

    :: International male solo artist - Michael Buble

    :: International female solo artist - Rihanna

    :: International breakthrough act - Lady Gaga

    :: International album - Lady GaGa - The Fame

    :: British producer - Jim Abbiss (with help from Wiki)

  6. I'm Mitchell, 22, quiet, reserved, keep to myself, and I don't have an opinion on anything.

    He he heeeee...

    I'm Grace, I've been here for over three years now (I had to double check that, I really can't believe it's been that long!). I'm 17, in my second year of college, off to uni next year to read international relations. I don't really have any geeky hobbies, sorry. I do live on twitter though.

  7. So much to learn for exams in so little time ... can't motivate myself :(

    12 days before my first exam of the year, and I've written about 10% of the revision cards I need to, and haven't used them at all yet. It'll be fiiiine, I did the same last year.

  8. Maybe you're just not putting out as much anymore.

    I'm finding it really hard to decide this. I've narrowed it down to 4: one is really cute but I refuse to vote for her for personal reasons. One is very cute but if she isn't gonna shag me then what's the point? One is kinda cute but seems like she'd be really easy when drunk. And one is kinda cute but seems extra cool to go on top of it.

    Oh, decisions...

    You *have* to put names to these!

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