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Status Updates posted by HarryTheChineseBear

  1. I'm lush cheers; I got the nightie and the pictures - I'm currently wearing the nightie, looking at the pictures and doing something which could only be described as a transgression of God's law =P

    How're you? xxxx

  2. I'm glad you like my name, yours is pretty cool too =) Though whereas mine is just a quirky bit of frivolity, your name represents a beautiful emotion that would probably lead to a court case ;-] xxxx

  3. Well, obviously I wouldn't condone cyber bullying, but it's also wrong to support two dangerous Irish perverts... ;)

    I've heard that Jedward's favourite part of the gig is putting on the stage make-up, and they put it on eachother instead of relying on professional make-up artists...... that's probably libelous =P

    Get down to ITV2 on the 24th Annalie!! Gatecrash if you have to!! Jump onto the stage wearing a backpack, start praying loudly to Allah then lunge wildly at one of those Irish fellas, it'll be a right royal laugh


  4. Hope you sent it by a private courier. The Royal Mail won't deliver to our house since I played 'Pin the tail on the Postman'... far too much was made of that :x xxxx

  5. Well, female clothes do suit me really well. In fact, I've stopped dressing as a male when I go out. Earlier on today, I worked out in the gym wearing a wedding dress. I get the occassional odd look since my Dumbledore beard goes lower than my miniskirt; also, this lifestyle choice does help me make friends, the better dressed men in the club are always eager to be friends... but I've always disliked that they want to share my lavatory cubicle.

    I have an idea for the comparison. Put your nightie and picture of you attired in said nightie in a package and address it to "The Prince of Darkness" and it'll get to me. A bit like those Santa letters except that I'm the Emperor of Evil and not an aging paedophile. xxxx

  6. let me wear your nightie xxxx

  7. Why the hell would I want to befriend Bob?! You know he's not even a real builder, right? I rang him to get a quote... xxxx

  8. The story of my life is long and mildly arousing... I've never been married but I might be a father; I've never rang them back to find out =P

    Send me a friend request because I'm new to this and don't know how to do it...

    ciao loser ;) xxxx

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