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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by R94N

  1. Went for a pee @ the library. Only thing is, if you are in THAT BIT TOO LONG, the lights automatically go on, and you are left in darkness. So you have to kind of wave your hands in the air, so that the sensor may pick up what you are doing?!

    So annoying.

    They lock the toilets here at my library because they've had people taking drugs in there. You have to go and ask for the key. Usually I go to McDonalds instead because it's much cleaner.

  2. I quite like the Olympics 'features' they've been running...why not? Yes there are some bad things that the Olympics are going to bring (the cost, for one) but I am looking forward to it, even though I'm not a particularly 'sporty' person. I don't think London's roads are going to cope with all the extra people though.

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