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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by MrDoovdeHaxorz

  1. The adverts annoy me, they have a headline act they're barely even promoting, at least in the TV Trailers I've seen which emphasise the Urban aspect... if they wanted to emphasise that, have someone like Plan B or Dizzee as your headliner, not Florence and the Machine... or don't book acts like them and Kasabian maybe? Those are the two acts that seem really out of place in the lineup.

    Why would you book a headliner, mention the headlining when announcing the booking and then barely use them in promotional material?

  2. Exactly, they'll use the hashtag they want, not what BBC Tells them was my point. Cheers for missing it.

    Might have a listen to Mills and Moyles if I'm not doing anything later. Work left me a message asking if I could cover a shift on my day off, but balls to them, so should be around.

  3. and many listeners will forget.

    The alternative is he gets drunk one day and just goes on-air and does a DLT style rant. Awesome as that would be to listen to, it's not going to happen. Also he's too much of a yes-man to go through with something like that as it is, otherwise I get the feeling he would have had something to say about the switch by now.

  4. Having seen his tweets in question, they were DEFINITELY a complaint. Can we complain about the tweet where he calls us sad and 'pathetic' in this case?

    Also there have been posts left up on here saying much worse about other members... Just Saying.

  5. I do hate this constant assumption that happens each year on Results day that 'GCSEs are too easy', it's ALWAYS by people who haven't taken them and therefore wouldn't know.

    This Tory party need to stop living in the past, they also need to tackle bigger problems than celebrities dodging a miniscule amount of tax compared to some corporations doing much worse and also their own MPs doing dodgy crap.

  6. Google + has ONE USP that ALL the others don't: Hangouts. They are awesome and even work with decent quality signal when my connection is having an 'off moment' (most of the time), must be a much better compression algorithm than Skype uses as my Skype is always screwing up.

    Sadly, they keep also adding in Facebook or Twitter clone features, like Trending and hashtags... they should Focus on Hangouts and the Circles concepts, that's the positives that the others don't have.

  7. I do like the format of pointless, kinda like Reverse Family Fortunes, 100 people surveyed for the answers and the number of people that said that answer = the number of points the contestant gets etc BUT where FF rewarded people for knowing the common answers, the aim of Pointless is to get the Lowest Score (with money being added to a jackpot each time a contestant gets an answer NONE of the 100 surveyed got). The other main difference is it has teams of 2, with 1 eliminated each round rather than just 2 teams.

    Jake Humphrey and David Coulthard were in one of the few 'Celebrity'* Editions I have watched and they were very good, but I do prefer the regular joe shows.

    * re: Celebrity editions - as with other such editions of these shows, I end up not even knowing who half the supposed 'celebrities' are, same happened with the Celebrity versions of Total Wipeout.

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