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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by MrDoovdeHaxorz

  1. Yeah... don't tell anyone, but I actually prefer the non-remix version, I don't even like the remixes on the special edition of Lungs all that much (detest the Yeasayer mix of Dog Days, mild dislike of The Horrors remix of Hurricane Drunk, though I do like their own material).

  2. Florence And The Machine have FINALLY got a UK Number 1 Single to go with the Triple-Platinum Albums. Slightly hard to believe Spectrum did it over Dog Days or Rabbit Heart but there ya go.

    Have also found there will be 2 F1 games released this autumn/winter, 1 the usual Simmy goodness, the other a more MarioKart style game where Hamilton and Maldonado's style of driving (i.e Crash-em, Bash-em) is more encouraged :P

    (this is pretty much everything that rocks in my life right now and has been for... quite some time).

  3. I do ask why you'd bother reading something if it causes grief. Also I don't see the point of the twats I've had saying "I'm unfollowing you" as chances are I don't care anyways (most of the time they've been harrassing me and I've been completely knocking their arguments out of the ballpark before they say that).

    and it was YOU that said you'd had a fit and blocked everybody, that was quoting YOU at the time...

  4. It's quite astounding how little you understand, and how wrong you got that set of events and the order. Maybe if you quite bitching about my main tweets you would still see them. Far be it from me to save someone the pain of reading something that causes them such anguish and grief as what you kept claiming they do... Also this coming from the woman who 'had a fit and blocked everyone'? Hardly a person to speak.

    I'm blaming you for NOTHING, just putting your CMnet2 claim in context and educating. Fuck it, I've already told and others, if you don't like, just Unfollow. Quite simples really.

  5. Ya know. Just spotted a button saying 'multi quote this message' when replying to stuff. Does that mean this is how peeps reply to several points other people make? rather than double or triple posting?

    Yep, exactly that, click that on all the posts you want to reply to, then click the Big Reply To Thread button at the bottom to make that work. Only works with posts on the current page though.

  6. I wish people here were more welcoming. Yes our new comer is dragging up old threads but often the first thing you want to do when you first join a forum is interact with other users. I think that's all he was trying to do. Plenty people have now told him to stop bringing up old threads so i'm sure now he will stop. Maybe people needs to calm down a bit, surely we all remember being a new member just we probably had the chance to post more as the forum was busier.

    How about the spamming those threads with the same message?

    There is NO excuse for digging up a bunch of old threads to say the exact same thing in each (Plug this MTV bint and hate Greg needlessly). That's classic Troll behaviour.

    Glad you're sure they'll stop but I see NO reason to believe this. Sure the MTV Spam has stopped but the Greg hate didn't... I used to get told off for MUCH less, like ONE fucking post about not liking Coxy. So yeah...

    Plenty of newcomers have managed without spamming and HAVE been openly welcomed, so 'cm.net/2' claims from the likes of Viv (who make it more like that) are a little over the top.

  7. Well I hope you left it where it was and allowed a woodland tradition to continue. Those ladies may well be the first ones that a group of boys get to see.

    Exactly, it's part of the countryside code, covered under "Leave everything as you found it".

    Did see a guy in his mid40s reading it on a train today. Not entirely convinced he was the target audience :P

  8. This is a nice idea in theory, and their alternative football coverage did work pretty well as it was fun but I honestly can't see Ecclestone being too pleased at the prospect of alternative commentary where the commentators were inclined to have a bit of fun rather than a serious/sensible approach. It would be good if that happened, but sadly I dont think it ever will.

    Oh, was Ecclestone objection the reason they don't have the rather fun CBBC Commentary any more too? I agree it's extremely unlikely though. Maybe if Moyles ends up on 5Live (he likes shows with less music.. and Richard Bacon has Comedy Dave on sometimes and often lets timings of news etc slide a little, it could work for Moyles), he could do their commentary sometime, still a VERY slim chance.

  9. O no, it won't. this site had the sense to have a bbc r1 section, so even if mills goes, it could just evolve. cm.net focus specifically on moyles' radio show. without him, they only have archives left.

    Pretty sure they focussed well on his TV shows when he's had them too? Like this site, they focus on the person, not their affiliations. This move, combined with a possible move to weekends (I say possible because after today's curveballs, we simply don't know what's speculation right now) might leave him free to do more TV work as I understand he HAS expressed interest in.

    As an aside to that point, he even appeared on the BBC's fine F1 coverage with Aled this weekend... taking Aled's virginity (in terms of going to races...). I was wishing they would do a red button commentary like they did for the football, could have livened up the one dull race of the year so far.

  10. I am listening to a show where people are asking if moyles not being paid and having a fit about it may have angered management. one good thing.... This should see the demise of cm.net. every cloud....

    It won't mean the 'demise' of Cmnet at all. What drugs have you been taking that made you assume that when he's not even leaving Radio1, just the actual breakfast slot. Also when he DOES fully leave, that place will still be going, like it or not.

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