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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Laura_Squiffy

  1. I think I've seen a car just like that pootling about the streets of Guernsey! Track down that, a panda pop, panda chinese and a toy panda and he'll never want to leave our humble little island!!
  2. I had a Panda Chinese in the early hours of yesturday morning. It was good, and they very helpfully dialled a taxi number on my behalf as I was incapable. Seems a good Panda is so much more than a loveable cuddly bear.
  3. We never get any 'celebrities' in Guernsey. (Unless you count Andy Scott Lee? He's been a couple of times) So this pending visit is really quite thrilling.
  4. I am glad that he is coming to Guernsey. It has provided us with much amusement. And it was the funniest thing to come back from my lunch break the other day to hear a colleague all stressed on the phone saying 'Oh hello, I was wondering if you had a giant toy panda you'd mind lending us for a photoshoot?' I love my job.
  5. I heard on Scott Mills last night that Scott had agreed to come to Guernsey to switch on the lights for the Tree of Joy. This is marvelous news, and makes us all very very happy. However, he was also wondering why on earth the picture in the Guernsey Press included a sizeable soft toy panda. I will have you know a lot of effort went in to locating said panda! My colleague searched island wide for a panda suitable for the job (there seems to be a shortage of Panda in Guernsey), before finally locating one that was up to the job - and was very kindly leant to us by the kindly people from Aladdins Cave. Scott, if you read this - we will do our uptmost to locate such a panda to accompany you on your visit to our island. And as a tip for when you arrive - there is a small Chinese restaurant located near to a popular island club in town. It is called the Panda Chinese. It does the most amazing chinese and is open until 3am. (It may only taste amazing due to consumption following large amounts of alcohol - but that is besides the point.) It burnt down once, shortly after I had slipped on the floor and damaged my elbow and demanded free prawn crackers for my pain. (To which they obliged). The very same night they tried to charge me £1 too much for my prawn toast. That said, it has overcome its demons and is a fine place from which to purchase your late night snacks. Seeing as you are such a fan of Panda, this should do you well. See you in November!! Laura
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