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Posts posted by Futures

  1. the latest f1 was ruined by the stewards.

    he went off the track to avoid crashing into kimi, resulting in him cutting the bus stop he rejoined the track and let kimi pass and didn't use his slip stream for an advantage at all.

    once kimi was past he did him when braking.

    F1 need to use the same officials for every race so decisions are constant, the scrap was between lewis and kimi why should massa gain from those two when he wasn't involved? massa got fined 10,000 for the pit incident last time which could of have far far more disastrous consequences.

    also the 'one blocking move only' rule kimi blocked lewis twice?

    People have said for a while that the FIA was biased towards ferrari which I didn't believe, after yesterdays incident I'm starting to change my mind. yet another race ruined by the officials.

    "In a recent press conference called by the FIA, the FIA have decided to change the acronyms meaning to 'Ferrari International Assistance'."

    They are, without a doubt, biased towards the FIA.

    Notice how after Raikonnen ran over one of the mechanics the other week the only punishment they got was a £10,000 fine. They demonstrated that their pitting system is unsafe and a risk to the mechanics and others in the pits, yet all they get is abit of petty cash taken off of them. If it was a McLaren driver that'd hit one of their mechanics they would be infront of an FIA disciplinary panel and be facing a points deduction.

    It was also found last week that there were several issues with the Ferrari cars before the race.. note how the FIA haven't said anything about that.

  2. The stewards have been bought, as such, by Ferrari. It's another case of fowl play on their part - they'll try anything to claw their way back into the Championship and the action of the stewards is an insult to every F1 fan, team and the sport itself. There's absolutely no way that Hamilton has contravened any ruling. I hope that McLaren's appeal is successful and Hamilton's legitimate victory re-instated.

    F1 is a farce, and I'm seriously wondering if I'm going to continue to watch it. The sport is no longer about sport, but more about Politics.

  3. I think it's getting to the stage where degrees will become worthless. This Government harps on and on about education, but at the end of the day they're only saying it because they know people will vote for the party who go on about eduation and health care alot.

    Neither of those two things should be used to win votes. Education and healthcare should be kept as far away from politics as possible.

    I also agree that there may be new courses set up to teach these kids vocations, but there won't be any money there to support them, they'll be too busy giving it out in loans to kids so that they can get the soon to be (or most likely soon to be) 5.5% intrest back on it.

  4. I disagree with the general sentiment of this thread.

    I think keeping young people in compulsory education until they are 17 will be beneficial not just to them, but to society holistically.

    The capitalist economy of this country is rapidly changing to the extent that by 2020 there will only be around 500,000 'unskilled' jobs in the economy. Currently there are 6 million, therefore people will need skills.

    Young people who are not academic will be given the opportunity to pursue subjects that will guarantee them a vocation when they leave, increasing their prospects of finding employment that has more dignity than serving up cheeseburgers or cleaning toilets.

    I'm as yet undecided on increasing the leaving age to 18, but I do think that 17 is a decent compromise for the well-being and lifetime security of our young people.

    We're always hearing about how these schemes will help to support those that need the support.. but what people who aren't in education don't realise is that the secondary education system and some of the college systems that've put in place to help the vulnerable are flawed beyond belief.

    Take EMA for example. This is for people with an income lower than X pounds, I have no idea what the exact figure is, but I know my parents earn too much for me to qualify for EMA.

    Explain this to me... How does what my parents earn factor into what I can and can't afford? I've provided for myself my whole life and have never asked my parents for money, and nor do I expect money off of them. They feed me and pay for bills, I do the rest. Now how does this mean that I'm not eligible for £30.00 a week in money to help me pay for my bus pass, my pens, paper and books for college etc?

    It's a complete mess. It's disgusting how these kids in my tutor group whos parents buy everything for them then get an extra £30.00 a week for doing jack shit. Half of them don't even have jobs, which backs up my claim that their parents buy everything for them.

    I'm just using that as an example to point out just how flawed the plans that this Government makes that relate to education are. No doubt half of these kids won't get half the amount of qualifications that they need, which will cause a huge influx in migrant workers and then uproar from the all the upper classes.

  5. Boys.

    The boy I like is moving to Greece for a year

    My gay best friend is going all the way to Edinburgh for uni and is going to Spain for Christmas with his boyfriend to meet his family

    My straight boy best friend keeps on asking me for help with his girlfriend because he's afraid he's not worth it. He so is.

    I miss speaking like we used to to the other boy I like, but we have nothing left to talk about because we talked so much in the beginning, so even though we're having fun, I wonder if that's all it is now.

    My therapist is too gorgeous for my own good. I'll be like that girl off of House who asks Chase to kiss her.

    Stupid boys.

    Oh, and my book just fell down the back of my bed.

    I had that problem with a girl I liked. We talked loads and loads to start with and then eventually we just didn't have anything to say to eachother. We both decided to cut it off from there, but we're still pretty good friends and talk alot again now :)

    Hope everything works out for you :)

  6. We all need to remember that we live in a country where baa baa black sheep is considered a racist song.

    I don't agree with this report atall, I also agree with many of the other comments here. I did a short research project as part of my Science GCSE to see why people drank so much despite knowing about the health risks etc and Radio didn't even come into my study. If anything this report should be slamming tabloid newspapers.

  7. I thought that Newcastle made a huge mistake by getting rid of Big Sam. The man is an amazing manager, he did wonders at Bolton.. just didn't really fit in at Newcastle.

    Letting Keegan leave is the biggest mistake Newcastle have made in a long time though. If they keep on mucking everyone about in their quest to get in the top 5 not only will all their good players leave but they'll end up in the Championship.

    In other news:

    Isn't it about time that Joey Barton was sacked? He's a digrace to Football.

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