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About neishly

  • Birthday 11/26/1989

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  1. just one of those songs. you like it, but you dont know for the life of you what it's called. and it also might have something to do with the fact i was listening to my ipod at the same time haha.
  2. haha, no it wasnt the Dads army thing yes!!! thats the one! haha. nobody knows it! nobody in my english class anyway!
  3. no, its not that one. there wasn't any lyrics in it (well, next to none if there was any) and it was quite upbeat.
  4. i have tried the iplayer, but it wont work for some reason. it gives me something about not being able to play it.
  5. ok, i was listening to radio1 this afternoon when a song came on and i likedit but didnt have a clue what it was. Drum and Bass, sounded kinda pendulum like, on Nihal's show between 2:30 and 3:00. can anyone help me?
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