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Posts posted by ezmo

  1. ha indeed i do, or did a i have now just left.

    and proud of it! lol. for our prom we were either gona meet up with the boys school down the road, but then their a bunch of stuck up tossers. In the end we were just gona bring our own dates which was working.

  2. got my dancing on sat morning

    then have tea party with scones and cream at norwich school, ha ha!! sooo funny!

    on sunday start my first day of work, agh!

    and inbetween that sunbathing and revising for my last 3 days! woop!

  3. ha well if not there is always the drain pipe to climb down, but i dont really advise that, could turn out nasty.

    are you going somewhere else after this year?

  4. i bet you will all look smashing! i came across this gorgeous dress the other day, which would have been great for a prom, was very sad.

    ooh you have to go to a party afterwards! isnt that the american tradition??

  5. yay! im excited for you! seeing as im not having one myself, i will just have to get excited about all of yours, yay!

    ok so what you lot wearing and what are the plans? you going anywhere before or after? i want details! :D

  6. no prom for me :cry:

    we were organising one ourselves coz the stinkin' teachers were against it coz they didnt want anyone who wa not able to get a date left out, our teacher said " because i was ugly when i wa your age, i know what it feels like " we were gobsmacked!

    but we gave up as cost too much, so now we have a ruuuubiish leavers BBQ, woopdedoo

  7. i know what it says, i created it.

    but it's what you said,

    You know you girls are so shallow, going for a guy's looks.

    you said we were shallow, so i stated i wern't. and what colour hair, and what style does determine if their good looking or not imo. :P right back at'ya

  8. *gasps*

    right your on.

    i used not to mind about looks, but then after discovering that good looking guys are no diff to ugly dudes in personality, so i pick the good looking guys!

    can you honestly tell me that if you had a choice beween a fit girl and a munter, without knowing what their personality is, you would choose the munter???

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