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Posts posted by EllieForPresident

  1. I work in a piercing place. Beat that if you can.

    I'm primarily an art student, with a bit of History and English Literature thrown in the mix :).

    Full-time Jono carer also. ;)

    Going to university in September to study Radio Production BSc.

  2. A joke or a serious question? Seems to lack smileys. It goes up to level six if you were being serious.

    The jokes are often difficult to sieve out. It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

  3. Doesnt attack the old apparently... anyone under 45

    That's really interesting, I heard an NHS quote saying it was mostly the old who would be effected. How weird. I wish the government would get their facts straight. :confused:

    On the other hand, they're sending information leaflets out within the next week instructing people what do in event of a pandemic, so hopefully that will at least prepare people.

  4. this thread is making it out to be the end of the world...

    I don't think it's right saying stuff like that, because for the family of those mexican victims it really is the end of their worlds.

    I just think it's important to keep up to date on world affairs like this, especially when it's perfectly possibly that it could hit Britain in a few months, that's all.

  5. The only people to die from it so far are those in mexico? Its more likely to be down the hygene and poor health care... not soley the virus...

    Aaaand the little boy in America who died today.

    Why would it upset me any less that they're from Mexico and dying?

  6. Can we all just stop stressing about this? I doubt anyone on here (or hopefully not any friends or family) are going to catch this swine flu.

    I don't only care about myself and my family, I care about other people, and not just British people either.

    If anyone's dying of a new virus, personally I don't see it as being unnecessary stress. Just my opinion.

  7. should we send children to school then if schools are a very common place to catch and spread infection, what about collages & workplaces maybe everyone should stay at home for the next month & not go out encase they catch it ?

    Actually, that is exactly what the NHS will suggest if it becomes a national crisis. What else would you suggest? Don't you think staying at home for a while would be preferable to dying?

    I'm sure being quarantined wouldn't effect most geeks on here much, me included. Would like a nice excuse to stay on the computer all day ;)

  8. Apparently it's better to get it now and become immune, before it mutates into something worse.

    Swine flu spreads easily and is not necessarily deadly.

    Bird flu does no spread easily and is very deadly.

    The government's worry is that the two will combine making a fast-spreading killer disease.

  9. Mexico is a really poor country. Very little that happens in that kind of poverty-stricken country is considered important enough to reach news over here in Britain. Think how much you know about current news in Mexico, or anywhere else poor like that - other than the whole Comic Relief show once a year we hear nothing else of people in poverty, in fact, other than America, there aren't really any countries outside the UK that we seem to care about in the news.

    The way I see it, it must be, at least potentially, a fairly big story to attract the attention of the BBC.

  10. i did read/see on tv that Europeans are less susceptible to things like this due to genes passed down from the people who survived the black death make us more resistant ' GO Europe :P '

    The "black death" is still reported thousands of times per year to the World Health Organisation, particularly in Africa and some parts of Asia. I find it highly unlikely that people from Europe are any less likely to catch a disease, and even less likely that immunity from such things can be passed down centuries through genes. Plus even if it did, what on earth would the bubonic plague have to do with swine flu?

  11. Hmmmm i bet the The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) have something to do with creating it :confused:

    That would be really clever of them, considering there's one every 60-80 years, and has been for a very long time. -_______-.

    PS: It's not called Mexico flu, it's called Swine flu, and it already more serious than Bird flu because of how quickly it mutated into a human virus.

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