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Posts posted by unclesirbobbyrobson

  1. Chris had a 40 minute rant about two men trying to blag their world cup CD. He felt bad about being grumpy with these two men. Yet he clearly gets sick of people trying to promote things so early in the morning. He gets up at 6am and has to face a couple of morons pestering him.

    Chris also mentioned a dream he had that morning and I think it was a remarkable premonition. I study dreams, mostly just normal dreams. But I do believe in premonitions which can capture your emotions on the day to come. Here was the dream

    THE DREAM : Chris has a nail hanging off his thumb. Its in intense pain and Chris is saying "ahhhh urggg." Aled is saying "Let it fall off. It'll grow back - it happened to me." Chris lets it fall off and there is just skin underneath

    In real life Chris felt EXACTLY THE SAME SET OF EMOTIONS. Dreams will often feature a similar set of emotions yet place them in a setting and storyline which is totally different.

    In real life chris was extremely annoyed by the two guys trying to blag their record (represented in the dream by the nail hanging off). Aled was particularly trying to encourage Chris to rise above these two guys... ignore their record ... whereas chris wanted to play it.

    So the dream captured Chris's annoyance and Aleds response. Try this page on my website for more info on premonitions


    Do you believe this is a premonition?

  2. Well they should at least be consistent. They like their highbrow culture and so radio three would stay without adverts in the public sector. Radio one for the low brow masses would be forced into the private sector. It doesn't cost much of the license fee. It really doesn't cost much at all. A couple of well paid djs in scott mills and chris moyles... but nothing compared to TV.

  3. Thats a real pity. These are both filmed in my region. The royal is in my home town of scarborough. Heratbeat is filmed in whitby just twenty miles away. I always (well when I say always I mean occasionally) uesd to watch it to see my home town on the telly

    I had a deam about heartbeat last night... strange

  4. I have a blind friend who has not got a freeview TV. These are often really tricky to use. With the hundreds of buttons on small remote controls. Its a real problem. many blind people don't have digital tvs because they are so difficult to operate.

    I thought that a mini TV would be better. I was thinking how MP3s can so easily be used by blind people. I have one ideal for this purpose.

    Has anyone got a freeview MINI TV which would be ideal for a blind person. Where only one or two buttons need be used.

  5. Well it is definitely better than that basshunter rubbish but what is that saying. I am better than that basshunter rubbish - especially after a few shandies

    Its still just rubbish. haven't we had this song in the charts already ... its an old joke if you ask me.

    If we have a christmas song why doesn't someone make a christmas carol. Those songs are the best. Silent night. They are catchy and great.

  6. I do not see why the childrens holidays should be considered important. The scott mills show runs from 4 pm till 7 right! They will get home and be listening.

    Its difficult really. I cannot say i like to hear young kids swearing. Yet I do all the time. If they hear swearing on shows like this... which thats what it is ... even though you cannot hear it its obvious what words are meant to be coming into our minds

    Its quite funny as a feature.Its stupid is the radio rules. There is no real watershed. Your not allowed to swear at all past 10pm. Or maybe you are supposed to give warnings out. Its all a bit stupid really ... there shoudl be swear words used after 10pm.

  7. I am well over the age remit. Yet to be honest my favorite dj is gregg james and he is just twnety one.

    This kind of stuff winds me up. There are many more people in this country who are 30+ so even though we have a very high percentage of 15 - 20 year olds (and many more either side) as long as there are are 30+ (or more dramatically 40/50+) then it's going to pull our average out of the age group.

    Surely with 1.5 million 12-18 year olds listening to our show what the grumpy people who produced that report SHOULD be saying is stop the older people listening rather than make Radio 1 more relevant to the younger audience? Radio 1 once tried that years ago and it was awful. They became too cool for school and I, for one, stopped listening as a young teenager. I'd never want that again. That would bring the average down again.

    haven't the people who made that report heard Switch or the Surgery? Seen Switch Live or the summer tour? They'd realise we do a lot for our younger audience!

    Hey its aled

    I kind of agree. How do you make a show less appealing to a certain age range if the older people are liking exactly the same things as the young

    I definitely think music has changed. Its more democratic in this era. The age of the mp3 download has killed the power of the record company. Now bands can make it without contracts. That has surely got to be important. Before radio one was targeting a younger audience based on image. Now its all about the music. Indie bands rule. Its less about image and more about talent. It can appeal to any age range

  8. Well radio one has in the past got too old. They found it impossible to sack djs. Think of how they could not get rid of people like DLT. He was well past his sell by date. You could argue that the age of the djs is quite old. Quite a few are oer 40 and even 50. BUt westwood is still appealing to ayoung audience.

    I think society has changed. Those over retirement age grew up in the sixties... smoked dope and still have liberal ideas. So radio two is starting to get younger.

    I am over 40 myself. I tune into radio one religiously in recent years. But its largely because of the playlist. I think that there is a lot of good pop and rock music about. I used to hate radio one when I was young. It was just image led rubbish. The djs make little difference. I like the music. So if radio one wants to lose me then they will have to change the play list.

    Comercial radio will do anything to get an advantage. They have crap presenters and boring shows.

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