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Everything posted by pauldenchfield

  1. Its all kicking off all over again! Another odd phrase - BROOKE SHIELDS ALPHABET - is getting a huge amount of exposure suddenly. Is this the BBC's PR machine in action? FROZEN INDIGO ANGEL phase 2? The Londonist made a connection between the two phrases weeks ago... maybe they were more right than they realised. More notes and links in the latest post: http://pauldenchfield.typepad.com/paul_denchfield/2007/05/another_theory.html This is costing me a small fortune...
  2. Just a quick one - I'm paying for this by the minute. Another point to the Doctor Who conspiracy theorists. In the last episode (which I did see), the fleeing Dalek was called Dalek Khan - apparently. Don't remember that myself - can anyone confirm? So is Dalek Khan anything to do with Mr Khan? Is higgypopuk's video saying more than we realise? Cheers -- P
  3. Right - this should be the last time I interrupt you all here today. ;-) The third and final vid of the day is up on pauldenchfield.com. It should explain just how crazy an evening I had yesterday - all weirdly cloak and dagger. I'm just about getting my breath back. Now we'll see what comes of Jane and her boss.
  4. Youre paranoid?! How do you think I feel? Every time I see an angel or a block of ice I think its part of a giant conspiracy - not good for the sanity. Anyway - more big stuff happened after I was turfed out of the BBC by security last night. Next video is now up: http://pauldenchfield.typepad.com/paul_denchfield/2007/05/a_package.html One more bit to come this afternoon. Its getting seriously freaky now. I'm starting to wonder if someone is doing all this just to mess with my head.
  5. Morning all - yes, big things went down last night. Lots of footage to cut together. First part is up on pauldenchfield.com now, along with a bit of background info. Watch, enjoy, speculate, and feel the tension! More to come...
  6. Just posted a couple of new vids up at my blog (usual place - http://www.pauldenchfield.com ). Basically, Ive had enough and I'm going to demand some answers from the Controller of Radio 1, Andy Parfitt, in person. I'm heading to R1's building on Great Portland street at 6pm on Monday if anyone wants answers as well. More details on the blog.
  7. There you go - its definitely happening, clear as day. They're not even trying to hide it any more. I still have no idea what this is all about but between this and the poster, it's obvious there's something going on. I'm going to do another vid for my blog about this. R1 won't be able to deny it any longer, I think we can get answers, whatever it is.
  8. Hey guys. Yes, one new development - while looking through my unused footage from the BBC vodcast for stuff I could delete, I found what looks like a shot of a poster with FIA on it, in one of the studios! Im going to upload it this afternoon. Also, I got a tipoff about another FIA 'sighting' at midday today, so in just a few minutes. Can't guarantee anything will happen since nothing happened with the last two.
  9. Hi - looks like it was a false alarm. Really sorry about that. I'm still going to follow up any other palusible leads but thanks for chasing this one up. I'll keep you informed if I hear anything, and let me know if you spot anything odd anywhere. Cheers, P.
  10. Hi all - just a quick one. I've put a new video up which talks about a lot of things, so I wont go into them right now. Also theres the possibility something might happen on R1 at 3.15 today so really very soon! Anonymous tip-off so not sure I believe it, but thought I'd let you know. Anyway, check out the blog - www.pauldenchfield.com - for all the latest.
  11. Hannah - I'll take that as a compliment. One thing I do know is how to make video/TV pretty well, so if it looks more polished than an average web video, thats probably just down to having a decent camera and an idea of how to focus. But I'm fairly new to this web business. I may look like a charming young bloke, but I'm not as up with technology as you youngsters. Since I started working for Hugh on these vodcasts, Ive got a lot more into the online world. I started putting things on Youtube back in January and started blogging in February/March. Every blog has to start sometime. The reason I'm doing all this stuff online instead of writing letters to my MP and The Times is coz I know now that the internet is a fast and powerful way of getting the word around. Maybe I'm a bit late to the party but like I said I've had my head buried in a viewfinder for the last 15 years. And now I really have to run or my girlfriend will kill me.
  12. Morning all, Looks like you had a good chat after I left yesterday. Youre right that it looks like a marketing campaign - the words everywhere, I'm sure that kind of thing has been done before. But I got fired. That is not normal. That is not like altering a website - it has consequences. If the words are part of a campaign, I just want to know what makes it so important. Did I get fired for blowing the lid off it too early? I've said elsewhere its not much of a campaign if nobody knows what its all for. And no its not a publicity stunt advertising me - its not my idea of good publicity and I dont have the kind of influence you need to pull off something this size. Speaking of which - Jono, those words on your site. Is there something you're not telling me?
  13. I dont make all the podcasts - I'm freelance and sometimes do work for R1 when other people are busy. I was brought in a few months ago by a guy called Hugh Gary (or Garry?) who runs a lot of the online video things. I had my stills camera with me coz I thought it might be an interesting shoot and sometimes stills turn out better for the website than screengrabs. When I was filming, someone in the team was taking a few shots as well for a laugh. I dont have that many shots of myself in action so I thought I'd keep them. And yeah, I can see why it might all seem odd and maybe Im going at this rather full on, but it really annoyed me. Thats me controlling my language there. I know business is business but they could have been polite about it. The search thing I dont understand. I dont' know it its possible to hide things like that or not. If your confused, so am I.
  14. Hi guys, Nice site! Thanks for noticing the wierdness of the whole frozen indigo angel situation. I still have no idea what its all about but it sounds like we have similar ideas. The Dr Who angle is definitely a possibility, what with all that bad wolf stuff from last year. Hang on - it looks like youre writing lots of questions. I'll post this and read on.
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