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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by sinister

  1. yes i know its the Daily Fail again :rolleyes:


    i love the comments by the daily fails readers :giggle: & here was me thinking that they were intelligent people, when in-fact they are nob's

    "they should get real jobs" & "end the licence fee" etc :hahaha:

    Derr 'hate' mail, still running a campaign against the beeb are they?

    I suppose when you compare the cost of the license fee to say, s-ky tv subscription, plus all the mind numbing inane adverts, even though your already paying a subscription fee, quality programming like sadiators, Britain's hardest eggs, ross kemp on the toilet etc the BBC may as well just call it a day.

  2. Explain further please. Who's ignorance?

    Some of the people I've heard on the radio this week Jono. I think it beggars belief that people just seem too idle to find things out for themselves. Even calling it 'Drug week', drug is a bit too encompassing a term that covers everything from caffeine through to cancer fighting drugs.

    As an example cannabis. All you hear about is cannabis causes psychosis etc etc. The purposely grown strong skunk variants are the ones that can cause paranoia and psychosis, because they are grown for the amount of THC and have no CBD (cannabidiol). Both substances are cannabinoids. Without the CBD, Skunk cannabis is a very different man made substance. Scientists are actually researching the use of CBD as a treatment for psychosis.

    My whole view of the illicit drug trade is that governments, doesn't matter which party, aren't interested in your health. Their main concern is the vast untaxed profits that the dealers can make. If it was your health that they cared so much about, then alcohol & tobacco would be banned tomorrow don't you think? But HMG get a vast cut of the profits from that so just tax it more in the vain hope it'll put people off.

    There have been plenty of doctors who have stated that if ALL recreational drugs were on a level playing field, alcohol & tobacco would be the last to be considered safe for use. Also, more people die from alcohol related incidents than all the illegal recreational drugs clubbed together per annum. So much for HMG worrying about your health.

    My main point is it's a very complicated issue made even more difficult to debate sensibly because of the immature 'shock & awe' type behaviour of the so called newspapers and media. Politicians are too scared to have a reasoned debate because it might harm their careers, the newspapers just want horror stories to sell more papers.

    So until some serious growing up is done we'll see the same old story over and over again. Let's not forget that the so called recreational drugs have all been criminalised within living memory. I could go on but I've probably bored the pants off you already.

    I've gone right off the last hour of Scotts show on a Friday too!

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