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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Chaos

  1. Leave Jono alone you meanies, and...so many smilies.

    The women of UM are very fussy aren't they, thankfully I can easily fulfil every single one of their wants *cough*

    He started it!

    *Whispers* I know we welshmen are awesome in every way, but don't push your luck man! :lol:

    Nothing wrong with smileys! They.....smile!

  2. These ones don't reduce the quality of the music though, just the volume. They've got special filters in. They're a bit more advanced than the ones you wear to get to sleep.

    I hope you get tinnitus soon if you think it's funny.

    I said amusing, not funny! :lol: I feel your pain...metaphorically, anyway...:P

    I don't wear any to sleep either. It'd be far too annoying.

  3. ...I bought some ear plugs on the internet, Alpine MusicSafe Pro ones. They should stop the hearing damage next time I go to a gig, but it's stupid that I've got tinnitus at the age of 19.

    But also slightly amusing...not for you, though, obviously :lol:

    How ironic that you have to wear ear plugs at a place where the purpose of the night is to listen to music. :P

  4. I might have been a goth if I could've been bothered. I'm told I listen to, and I quote: "goth-sh*t". I just happen to like rock, heavy metal, maybe a bit of deathmetal, etc. They just happened to ignore the fact that I like most other types of music too, except for the gerbil squeaky music (chav-dance music..) :lol:

  5. Odense is in Denmark on Funen (is that what it's called?) Anyway, on the island in the middle of Denmark.

    Odense is where Hans Christian Andersen comes from (I suppose you know who that is? He's a very famous writer born in 1805. You know "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Mermaid", right?).

    Denmarks an Island?? I thought it was a country...:shock: (as you can see, I failed miserably at geography, I couldn't find me a*se with me hands..) :lol:

    Nope, never heard of him. I have of the stories though. I thought the Little Mermaid was Disney..:lol: haha!

  6. I'm not going to move out until I leave school in 2½ years. I'll be 19 then - and not even really moving out because I plan to spend one year in England as an au pair.

    But after that I am going to move out properly to go to university in Odense.

    I prefer apples myself....sorry, gods that was terrible :lol:

    Wheres odense then?

  7. I only go for men who are reasonably independent. If he needs to phone his mum every 5 minutes, that's no good. I like people who are confident enough to decide things for themselves and intelligent and responsible enough to do things for themselves without whining "what do I do?" constantly.

    I look for someone with similar interests to me. In particular, someone who likes music as much as I do, and will go to gigs with me, and someone who will spend time watching ducks with me.

    I don't like people who are lazy either. I mean I'm not always a get up and go person, but men who never go out anywhere or do anything and sleep all the time aren't good..

    So, uh....hows things on the front line then...!! :lol:

  8. I moved out of my mum and stepdads when I was about 14/15, I hated my stepdad, been staying at my nans for a few years.

    Went back to my mums last year for 6 months, then moved out again :lol:

    I can't wait to get my own place, but I'm gonna get one when I move instead of up here, I hate it :lol:

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