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Posts posted by John_Dory

  1. Ok, I've calmed down a bit from yesterday and now realise my reaction was a little over the top. Sorry about that.

    I'm still a bit annoyed though and I won't be putting Radio 1 on at least until they've stopped talking about the Big Weekend.

    Before I go I'd just like to respond to some of MrDoodooBlahblah's points.

    How exactly is you NOT getting tickets a case of some people finding a way around the system?

    If some people are getting multiple pairs of tickets that means other people are getting no tickets. I'm not saying that I would have been guaranteed a pair but I would have been in with a better chance if Radio 1 had a system for spotting multiple entries.

    nothing to say use of multiple emails etc isn't allowed, some people did it, you didn't... end of.

    You're right, there is nothing to say that multiple email addresses aren't allowed. However it does say that multiple entries are not allowed which should cover the use of different email addresses. Although thinking about it, it's a possibility that R1 deliberately didn't include anything about multiple email addresses because they know they wouldn't be able to enforce it?

    if you're hating R1 so much, why join an R1 fansite?

    I'll admit, I'm not a big fan of Scott Mills. The reason I joined this site was because I noticed it had a dedicated Big Weekend forum. So thinking I was in with a good chance of getting tickets I created an account here so I could easily keep up with any new developments etc.

    If only there were some actual evidence to back up that opinion in some way ;)

    I'm afraid you're just going to have to trust me on that one. As much as I am annoyed that my sister got two pairs of tickets and I didn't get any, I know how exited she and her friends are about going and it would ruin their summer if I started posting information on the internet which f*cked it up.

    fishy here apart from the convenient promotion of another station if you ask me.

    I have nothing to do with that radio station, it was just the first one that I picked out of the air in the heat of the moment. I've tried to remove the last sentence of my first post but I don't seem to be able to edit it any more, so if a mod or somebody else wants to remove it, that's fine by me.

    Now, I'd rather not hear any more about Radio 1's Big Weekend in Bangor. Bye.

  2. Nein.

    Which is good because this is the oine year I wouldn't be able to get there anyway xD

    And John_Dory, stop being an arse, it's the luck of the draw, and you can't always have your own way, such is life.

    It's not the luck of the draw if some people have found a way to get around the system though is it? I wouldn't be as bothered if I knew the allocation of tickets had been fair.

  3. Like Moyles was saying about someone else this morning, I bet you will probably still listen.

    I totally get what you're saying, but you can't blame them personally for not getting them because its a totally random process. There's no point in getting angry about it.

    There is no chance I'll be listening to a radio station which is constantly going on about a large music festival taking place within a 10 minute walk of where I live which I cannot go to. I may start listening again in June/July but only if I can't find a suitable replacement.

  4. Well I've been a victim of my own naivety.

    I live in Bangor and I didn't get any tickets. My sister lives 10 miles away and she got a pair of tickets for Saturday and a pair of tickets for Sunday. She applied 6 times using different names and different email addresses but the same home address. How many other people have been successful using this method?

    I only applied once because I stupidly trusted Radio 1 to be able to spot those making multiple entries and I didn't want to risk jeopardizing my entry because North Wales hardly ever gets stuff like this. It seems I got my hopes up for nothing.

    Radio 1 can go f**k itself, I'll be listening to Coast 96.3 for the foreseeable future.

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