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Posts posted by maidstonianwithout

  1. Where did you read that? I don't believe it. There's always a bunch of bitter people making conspiracy theories up.

    Was searching on the internet and found this so I just wanted to say that whilst I know very few people who got any tickets at all and none within Maidstone, we are not all tards trying to ruin people's fun. I myself won't be attempting to block roads or start fires.

    The problem is that the local bandwagon press built the event up so much, people felt that they were guaranteed tickets, which, regardless of botched allocation which may or may not have happened, they were always going to be disappointed.

    Yes, I applied, and no I recieved no tickets and I know very few that did at all and none within Maidstone. So whilst I'm not trying to sound moany, please don't condemn the people of Maidstone as bitter old people crying over spilt milk.

    Interestingly, last year's Tour de France that came through here was very well recieved despite HUGE road closures and to be fair, that was a massive disappointment (again, the 'Kent "What can we latch onto next?" Messenger' was probably to blame for making us expect something other than a bunch of guys on bikes).

    So please don't think we're all bitter. I myself will probably watch it at home (if I can't hear it from my house) with a few mates around. So if you're coming to the good old 'Stone, enjoy the event and buy lots of expensive stuff...


    Maidstonian without tickets

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