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  • Scott   Chappers   Beccy

    The One That Doesn't Speak   Posh Radio 4 Lady
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The Team

Georgina Bowman

The voice of the news talks to Unofficial Mills - and here's what she had to say...

We want you to sell your job, what's the best bit about working for Newsbeat? Lovely people, every day's different, you get to go to lots of cool places like Miami and Ibiza and meet lots of celebrities - I've interviewed Tony Blair twice - and I get to read the news on Radio One - my dream job ever since I can remember. How sad is that!

You're on Radio 1 quite a lot, what's an average day for you working for Newsbeat? I arrive at 10, chat with the editor of the day, scan through the papers to make sure I know everything about everything (kind of), drink 3 coffees - and then start to do some work. It involves writing, interviewing and generally preparing for Newsbeat at 1245. Long leisurely lunch, maybe a bottle of red wine and a couple of fine cigars, then read bulletins at half 2, 3 and 4 - and one at 5 o'clock before repeating the whole morning thing for Newsbeat at 5.45. It's more fun than the lunchtime one, because we like to get Scott involved, reading texts etc. Also the whole feel of the programme is more laid-back. Then I put my showbiz hat on (which is actually a hat) and read the showbiz news at 6.30.
Were you glad that Scott moved to drive-time, so Chris Moyles couldn't flirt with you anymore? I love Chris Moyles and I love his flirting. But I love Scott Mills more.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get a job on radio following in your footsteps? Sleep your way to the top, or go the work experience route*. Either way, be pushy and stick with it - it's the best job in the world. But there's no room for shy and retiring types. You must be opinionated to the point of being annoying. *I don't agree with sleeping your way to the top by the way.

What do you think of the Scott Mills team, and are you a fan of the features like Flirt Divert? They're all lovely, except Chappers who smells of pies.

One of the message board users wants to know do you think your promotion to the 10 o'clock news on BBC News is long overdue? I'd be happier with a job that involved sitting on a sofa next to Dermot Murnaghan every morning.

Does Chappers work harder than Scott makes out? No

What was your first job? A Saturday job at the Body Shop in Altrincham. You'd leave stinking of Body Shop stuff.

Roy Walker or Brucie? Roy Walker. Carpark Catchphrase. What else do I need to say?

What is your biggest pet-hate? Louis Walsh

What's your music taste, what do you like listening to? All sorts. Not very cool - chart stuff mainly. Most of the Radio One playlist apart from anything by Fiddy.

What were you like at school? Naughty and in detention a lot.

The team apparently like a bit of karaoke, what song would you choose? Me and Scott Mills - Kylie and Jason - Especially for You

Catch Georgina on Radio 1's Newsbeat every weekday.